Brexit does not affect health care for citizens of Slovakia and Great Britain for the time being
Exit of Great Britain from the European Union does not bring any substantial changes from 1st February 2020 in the field of social security inclusive of insurance and health care. Citizens of Great Britain staying in the territory of the Slovak Republic and insured in the Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa, a.s. (VšZP) will continue to be acknowledged entitlements related to persons insured in the European Union.
416 citizens of Great Britain are registered in the VšZP with valid health insurance. At the same time the VšZP registers more than seven thousand valid entitlement documents that were submitted by citizens of Great Britain to health care providers in Slovakia or directly to the VšZP. The VšZP shall accept these documents also after exit of Great Britain from the European Union and shall provide to their holders the same scope of health care as so far.
Similarly, the same rights, as before Brexit, shall be maintained for our citizens living or working in Great Britain. Persons insured in the VšZP will identify themselves in health care provision on the basis of their European Health Insurance Card or another entitlement document issued to them by the VšZP. This status is valid up-to-date till the end of this year.